
DIASGrid is an open architecture that defines a common framework able to:

  • Manage resource sharing in distributed communities
    DIASGrid controls access to shared resources: allocates, monitors and mediates access to resources granting or denying requests to use them. It enables reliable and transparent sharing of resources across remote locations. The right resources are allocated to the right set of users for maximum efficiency observing sharing policies of resource owner who defines how it can be used.
  • Connect organisations over the web allowing them to collaborate, share data and reliably access and store information.
    Organisations that tackle shared goals may use DIASGrid to collaborate. These organisations must sign up for a Federation to allow organisation members to interact. All interactions of Federation members with other members and grid resources are achieved through Spaces. A Space is a "place" metaphor in which Federation members meet and entities are persistent across sessions. The Spaces aims to support interaction and communication in geographically distributed communities from European Islands.
  • Make available programming facilities for the construction of more complex applications.
    DIASGrid provides a standard set of facilities/services enabling the development of DIAS applications that take advantage of the resource pool and Spaces in a simple way. DIAS Applications will give support to users operations and intentions.

You can download DIAS.grid (kernel, applications, models and resource drivers) and related documents at diasgrid project in sourceforge

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DIAS.net is a platform to provide internet services powered by DIAS.grid. The DIAS.net platform provides to the organizations an environment to create and host service spaces in Internet and promotes the integration of geographically dispersed organisations.

The outcome is a collaborative digital ecosystem of service provider, technology, island and enterprise communities, organisations, public administrations, networks and associations


Digital Island Association

This association helps european islands and isolated regions to co-ordinate their efforts, by promoting the relevant use of new technologies and applications, as well as disseminating best practices

It has contributed to the IST Programme under the 5th Framework Programme of European Research, as a demonstration project under the action line 2, creating an innovative platform (DIAS.net) and network of European islands and isolated regions that will be built up using the results of European R&D projects.


European Information Society

This platform is made possible by successful participation in the Dias.net project co-funded by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme.

European union